Benchmark #67

Automated BG3 benchmark at 2024-09-02 09:14:59 UTC

Automated Baldurs Gate 3 benchmark, on Steam Deck LCD 512GB, at 2024-09-02 09:14:59 UTC. For more information, see Manually triggered benchmark

Submitted 5 months ago by erikas2

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
eevdf CachyOS AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 12 GB 6.10.6-3-cachyos-deckify-eevdf schedutil
# Summary This benchmark evaluates the performance of Baldur's Gate 3 on a Steam Deck with 512GB storage, running CachyOS with the `schedutil` Linux scheduler. The results show that the game runs smoothly with good FPS and frame time metrics. The hardware, consisting of an AMD Custom APU and GPU, seems well-optimized for this game, maintaining high GPU load and relatively stable temperatures. The overall system resource usage reflects efficient performance, making this dataset a valuable point of reference for gamers using similar configurations.